CBD Compassion
CBD Compassion is a Sativa-dominant cannabis strain renowned for its high CBD content, resulting from the crossbreeding of a Nepalese hemp strain with an unnamed Sativa variety. Typically, this strain boasts CBD levels ranging from 7% to 12%, with a corresponding THC content. Plants of this variety reach a medium height and produce dense, fragrant buds, yielding moderately to generously. As the cultivation cycle progresses, the plant's leaves elongate and become slender.
While CBD Compassion is primarily tailored to meet the needs of medical cannabis users, recreational enthusiasts have also reported its strong, body-centric effects without inducing paranoia. The strain's pleasurable and calming influence aids in pain relief and promoting a tranquil state of mind. Notably, this CBD-dominant variety has the highest Sativa component in our selection, which influences its flowering time. When cultivated indoors, it can be harvested after 9-11 weeks, while outdoor cultivation typically yields results in November.